Our Cookie Policy

We may use cookies on this websites and our digital applications.
Cookies are small data files that your browser sets on your computer or device. A cookie itself does not contain or collect information. However, when it is read by a server via a web browser, it can help a website deliver a more user-friendly service – for example, remembering previous purchases or account details. Both we and our third-party tracking partners use browser storage, app storage, cookies, pixels, beacons, scripts and tags to operate our websites and apps, and provided you have given consent, to analyze your use and market to you.
The cookies we use fall into below categories.
Necessary Cookies: Necessary cookies are required to enable technical site functionality and to provide the services explicitly requested by you. This includes as an example services such as your selected country and language, keeping you logged in, providing security and fraud prevention, having your digital shopping bag and wish list items stored while you browse, remembering volume settings, and you getting access to secure areas of the website.  This category of cookies cannot be disabled and does not require a consent.
Analytic Cookies: These cookies are optional and collect information about how visitors use and experience our website in order to optimize design, operations, efficiency and to improve your user experience. We only ask for consent to place these types of cookies on sites that are intended for young people who are 16 years .
What if I do not want cookies:
Necessary cookies are essential for the website and you cannot opt out of them, but you can delete necessary cookies after use – see how below.
For all other cookies, you can always adjust your settings and revoke your consent.
How to get rid of your cookies:
The cookies are placed on your device. This means that we cannot delete them for you. You must do that yourself in the way prescribed by your specific device.